Ever heard of blue light syndrome? It’s a side-effect of the many screened devices that consume our time these days. Whether it’s your laptop, cellphone, or tablet, all of them emit blue light that can impact our quality of sleep…. Read More
Archive for the ‘Sleeping Health’ Category
Can Stress Impact How Well You Sleep?
Have you been dealing with an inordinate amount of stress lately? Perhaps you’re struggling to get ahead at work, or you’re bogged down by schoolwork, or you’re dealing with any number of potential personal issues. Whatever your woes may be,… Read More
What’s Causing Your Overheating at Night?
Sleep is essential for your health. When we sleep, our bodies and minds heal, process the effects of the day, and revitalize for the next day. Whether you have insomnia or restless sleep, not getting proper rest at night can… Read More
The Top Sleep Issues Related to Aging
There are plenty of factors that can impact how you sleep, when you sleep, and the quality of your sleep, especially as you age. This is because your health, brain functions, and even daily routines can change the older you… Read More
Is Your Mattress Having an Effect On Your Body Weight?
Believe it or not, your mattress may be linked to your weight loss. This is because sleep deprivation can sap you of your energy levels, resulting in an increase in body weight. Sleeping on the right mattress and getting a… Read More
Can Music Actually Improve the Way You Sleep?
Some people just can’t sleep in complete silence. Whether you need the comforting sound of a running box fan or the company of your favorite tunes, it’s true that a lot of people tend to have some kind of sound… Read More
3 Tricks to Help You Get to Sleep at Night
One of the best things you can do for your health is get a good night’s sleep. It is honestly tied to just about everything else in your life: your stress level, your energy, even your ability to make good… Read More
What Can You Do to Develop a Healthy Sleep Schedule?
Humans can’t function without sleep. Try as we might to push ourselves and squeeze every moment that we can out of every day, eventually we have to devote some of those moments to sleeping. Without it, we won’t be able… Read More
3 Ways You Can Avoid Blue Light Syndrome Before Sleeping
Just about everyone is aware that artificial lights from smartphones or computers can impact how you sleep. Too much screen time is never a good thing but studies show it can actually be quite disruptive when it comes to your… Read More
How a Bad Mattress Could Be Impacting Your Health
If you’ve ever had to sleep on a bad mattress for an extended period of time, you likely already know that it can have negative impacts on your health. Sometimes, not being able to get a good night of sleep… Read More